Central Florida Termite Control

Posted on November 7, 2018

Let’s face it. Termites strike a type of dread, if not outright fear, into the hearts and minds of Florida homeowners. Our Central Florida Termite Control plans hope to calm those concerns.

Central Florida Termite Control

It has always been a difficult number to arrive at, but, the cost of termite damage to Florida homes totals hundreds of million of dollars per year. This comes as a surprise to many folks but not to us as pest control professionals.

So what is there to do? After all, every homeowner wants to avoid the horrific mental image of your home being tented. As with so many things in life, the best answer is prevention. Get ahead of these nasty creatures by calling us for a free estimate ASAP!

Luv-A-Lawn and Pest Control  has been serving Central Florida for more than  25 years. We are a Full-Service team and the “One Company that Does it All.”