We have been working hard for decades to make Osceola Florida Shrub Care, Lawn Care, and Pest Control problems easier and more affordable to deal with for the residents of this community. It makes no sense to not get the best out of our wonderful Florida lifestyle because these typical homeowner problems are making life more difficult than necessary. We won’t let that happen to you!

Osceola Florida Shrub Care

Wikipedia says this about the history of: “Osceola County was created in 1887. On July 21, 1821, Florida was divided into two counties, named Escambia County to the west and St. John’s Countyto the east. In 1824, the southern part of St. John’s County became Mosquito County, with Enterprise as the county seat. In 1844, Brevard County was carved out from Mosquito County. When Florida became a state in 1845, Mosquito County was renamed Orange County. On May 12, 1887, Osceola was named a county, having been created from both Orange and Brevard Counties. Osceola County reached all the way down to Lake Okeechobee until 1917 when Okeechobee County was formed.”

Luv-A-Lawn and Pest Control has been serving Osceola County for a ong time. Our roots are here and we never forget that. By the way, here are the additional locations that we serve.

Think of us as your Full-Service team; the “One Company that Does It All.”

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