Altamont Springs Pest Control

For the better part of thirty years now, we have been doing our very best to keep Altamonte Springs pest control issues under control for our many friends and clients. The goal is for everyone to fully enjoy all the great things that Florida has to offer. That said, bug problems can’t be allowed make you and your family nuts. After all, life in the Sunshine State is meant to lean a bit  towards “free and easy.”  Our role is to not let bug issues get in the way of enjoying that lovely sunshine.

Altamont Springs Pest Control and Shrub Care

Luv-A-Lawn and Pest Control has been taking good care of Altamonte Springs for years. We love it and are very proud of our association. Think of us as your very own Full-Service team; the “One Company that Does it All.”

Take a look at the additional locations that we serve.